Martinus Cosmology


During 60 years Martinus (1890-1981) worked on describing a world picture unique in the history of mankind. This world picture points to both life's and the universe's absolute logic and foundation of love. In his main work Livets Bog (the Book of Life. The Danish original title is used in all languages according to the wish of Martinus) he shows this foundation of life's own science and the seven volumes go through the eternal fundamental principles of existence. He names his entire work The Third Testament. It constitutes the foundation of a spiritual science, where life is seen in the light of the eternal laws of existence. This world picture is independent from cultural and local opinions.

It was the will of Martinus that the world picture should be freely available for anyone interested and not be subjected to any form of society or membership.

Martinus work is translated into several languages and quietly the world picture has spread throughout the world. In Denmark the Martinus Institute is responsible for his entire work.

The Eternal World Picture

The "Eternal World Picture" was not invented by Martinus. He describes the cosmic laws and the foundation of life's own science as including everyone and everything. He doesn't use mysticism or utopias, but points out the wisdom of life's own laws. The third Testament is to the utmost a defence of the total goodness of life, whether it appears in the shape of light- or darkness.

This realistic love for all which builds on a logic understanding of life, is not exclusive and honours existing paths, which are unique and particular to each person. Martinus's work shows us that, as we grow in consciousness, goodness and love will finally be the only accessible way.

Martinus 46 years

Martinus 46 years

The golden baptism of fire

In 1921 at the age of thirty, Martinus underwent an unexpected and thorough experience of intuition which gave him a whole new perception of wisdom. He saw that the entire universe is a living being and he realised that he could consciously control his intuitive ability. This experience of intuition was unexpected to Martinus, since he apart from the religion taught in school never had had any contact with any religious or spiritual group. He was cosmically an unwritten page.

Hereby Martinus gained the ability to see the invisible principles and the eternal laws behind the physical existence and he underwent an inner transformation which made him the tool for a new world redemption. With his unique first hand knowledge based on complete pure self sightedness he described the cosmos through symbols, writings and speeches and thereby made it available for everyone to study. He knew that this study in time would become as easily accessible as the materialistic knowledge is today.

The loving cosmos

A true intuitive ability will not, according to Martinus in the foreword to Livets Bog, be available to anyone unless his/her love capacity is so developed that he/she is good and loving to all living beings. A partial capacity to love can therefore not be the foundation of a true intuitive perception of life, and "to be a joy and blessing for every thing with which one comes into contact".

Martinus says:

"I realised that I was an immortal being and that all other living beings in existence were eternal realities which, like myself, had an endless chain of previously lived lives behind them, that all of us have evolved from low, primitive forms of existence to our present stage, and that this is only a temporary link on this evolutionary scale, and that we are thus on our way forward towards gigantic, higher forms of existence-planes away in the distance. I saw that the universe constitutes just one single enormous living being in which all other beings are - one and all - organs, and that we - all people, animals, plants and minerals - form one family, and that we, figuratively speaking, are of the same flesh and blood."
(LB 1, 21)

Behind the totality of existence there are loving creative principles which guides all living beings through the universe. The experience of darkness and pain as well as the experience of light and joy is all important factors in our evolution, and no living being meets and attracts to itself anything it doesn't cosmically deserve. All our actions result in consequences, pleasant or unpleasant, which orientate us in our own eternal development.

The symbols

A unique element in Martinus cosmic teaching are the symbols he created to make the eternal facts accessible. The symbols are representations of the eternal principles and the laws of life. They aim to make an easier study of the cosmic structure of the universe, and "mark the absolute fundamentally and leading principles and laws in the structure and manifestation in life or the universe". The symbols are according to Martinus "physical markings or indications for the invisible, leading cosmic principles and laws of the universe".

Symbol 11

Symbol 11 ©Martinus Idealfond, 1963

A developing world culture

Martinus describes the fundamental development of mankind and the underlying principles of this development, from our early human existence based on tribal culture through the early religious societies, to the world religions and modern science and that now we stand before a shift, where a new life science grows in order for peace and freedom to be reality for everyone in the world.

Humankind stands on the threshold of a new world culture, where a new and brighter world epoch springs forth. Behind this there are an all-embracing cosmic world impulse which guides the planet and humankind. In the long run we will have a society and politics which builds on the understanding of the laws of life.

The mentioned transformation is also taking place within humans, in what Martinus describes as the "pole transformation", where because of our development of sympathy we will no longer remain pure "women" and "men" in the way that we know. This "sympathetic transformation" creates a love ability which isn't based on the sexual urge, but on neighbourly love. With the shift, we will become fully "double poled" beings.

The evolution of mankind spans over many lifetimes and every life is a step where experiences and skills are developed. Only when we, after many incarnations, have become fully loving beings will we gain access to the intuition, which means a direct perception of the eternal principles of existence.

Just as there are physical laws so too are there spiritual laws. In every moment we meet our own creation and the laws of life. In time it will be our great wish to understand life's own science and to have a dialog with the loving powers of existence and God. Prayer is basically that conscious living dialog with all of life. What was formerly called religion will now be a modern spiritual science which consists of the analysis of science and also of the eternal laws of life.

Life's teaching towards neighbourly love

Life's own teaching gives us the necessary life material and experiences needed for growth. Through existence of the spiritual science a transformation of human's more local assumptions can take place in his/her inner and outer world. In this way a realistic love culture can grow forth, that leads to the creation of a peaceful world state which celebrates life and all living being's right to their own natural existence.

Martinus asks the question:
"For how long must the eternal truth continue to be revealed?"
The answer is:
"Until there are no more veils to be found surrounding the truth".
Then again one could ask:
"When will no more veils surround the truth?"
And here the answer will be:
"When the individuals' sense-perception is so far advanced in its development that he is capable of experiencing as a realistic fact that 'everything is very good'".
(LB 1, 28)

Martinus further says that the purpose of his work is to lead the seeker of truth to the understanding of the daily life experience and to see the life's logic correspondence with itself and hereby is supported to become conscious in ones own eternal existence. In this way one will eventually, through ones own life, experience ones absolute identity with the love powers behind life and all living beings. The highest cosmic analysis is that "everything is very good". Hereby one learns to love all of life and our neighbour as ourselves.

A quote from Martinus

"Through the cosmology one will gain the insight that nothing evil exists in the world and that all is love and intellectuality. This is hard for the human beings to understand, but it is of vital importance for them to learn."
(Our translation)
(Livsmodet, Kosmos 5/95, end of first passage)

Stefan Perneborg, Ulla Hjortflod
